After being in this business for nearly 30 years I have accumulated a most ‘frequently asked question list.’ And aside from the one: “how’s the market” … the FAQs that I thought might be worth sharing are those that have to do with value. Most people are concerned with ROI and therefore, I thought it would be helpful to do weekly Blog listing some of the most valuable improvements pertaining to resale in our WNY market. Let’s start with Kitchen Renovations.

Kitchen Renovation: the kitchen is typically “the heart of the home”.

Improve with caution: a “top of the line kitchen” = $75,000. Kitchen renovation will not yield a very positive ROI. However, replacing countertops, upgrading floors, new backsplash, painting, and updated hardware on cabinetry will go a long way. Furthermore, replacing old appliances with more energy efficient models is also a good idea. Focus efforts on smaller projects that make your home more appealing to the ‘budget minded’ buyers.


-Barry Chub



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